Hilton was delighted with the results of ‘‘It Happens at the Hilton.’’ Consumer surveys indicated that the campaign had performed well above expectations in reaching its target audience. Moreover, research revealed that Hilton had successfully negotiated the risks of incorporating famous personalities, according to Hilton’s vice president of marketing. Despite the company’s concerns, the campaign had remained rooted to the product it touted. Consumers understood that the celebrity photos were used to underscore the unique qualities of the hotel—that things ‘‘happened there’’—and did not feel put off by them. Hilton continued the campaign into 1999.
The company was so impressed with the effectiveness of ‘‘It Happens at the Hilton’’ that it extended the campaign for internal use. Just as ‘‘It Happens at the Hilton’’ signaled to consumers a new identity for the venerable old hotel, the company inaugurated ‘‘Hilton Pride Makes It Happen’’ to bring this same message to its staff. These posters strove to remind employees that the ‘‘new’’ Hilton was their creation and responsibility and that they should take pride in the hotels where they worked.